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Follow the Conversation

Using art to seek understanding, build bridges, and advocate for solutions...
One of our goals is for this to be a continued conversation and to invite people from all walks of life who may not always have a seat at the table. We held a discussion with our artist collaborators to glean insights into their creations and how their art connects with the science. The summary and highlights from this conversation is below.


A Conversation with the Artists

 “Feeling larger than when we went in”


During the live event, there was a forty-minute discussion between the artists and the audience in an open Q&A session. The positive and energetic discussion is perhaps best summarized by the quote “Feeling larger than when we went in,” made by one of the artists as a summary statement of the showing and conversation. The discussion topics were focused on sources of inspiration for the artists and the opportunities for improved collaboration between scientists and artists to broaden the impact and reach of each community.  Below are a few key quotes and concepts around these themes.


Artist inspiration

The community is a key source of inspiration. Their stories are important to tell.

We want to reach youth – it is important to tell them stories about the interconnectedness of the world. We try to do this simply and non-politically.

Water is a theme that unifies life experience and culture. It is central to life and broadly accessible to all.

Art is about storytelling and bringing forward knowledge in the community.


Collaboration among artists and scientists

There is a need to expand our relationships with each other – move away from a transactional understanding to explore our relationships and connections more fully.

Art can help translate science to audiences of various sophistication.

Deeper collaboration is needed – qualitative and quantitative are needed to tell a complete and rich story.


Art can tell stories that inspire and refines science

Creating art is a process of failing to succeed; in this process, we must connect the storytelling to the science. Tie them together with emotion to tell effective and engaging stories.

It is important to make connections to the community and make the audience feel part of the story. Science and numbers can be cold; art can highlight individual stories.

Drought and Flood: An Artistic Contemplation

Disclaimer: This work of the STPF Affinity Groups does not reflect the views of the S&T Policy Fellowships, AAAS, its Council, Board of Directors, officers, or members. AAAS is not responsible for the accuracy of this material. The affinity group members have made this material available as a public service, and it does not constitute endorsement by the association in any manner.


©2022 by AAAS STPF STEAM & Water Affinity Groups. Proudly created with

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